Our batch area offers two paint spray booths and three convection cure ovens. Part size capabilities are unique to the metro area; depending on configuration, we can handle parts up to 48 feet long, up to 9 ½ feet wide and 9 ½ feet high.
Existing fixtures allow us to process parts weighing over 1000 pounds. We have in house capability to build custom fixtures for special handling needs.
Pretreatment systems include a heated spray wand bay using DuBois alkaline cleaners and iron phosphate chemicals. We also have in house blasting capabilities, with a blast room that can handle parts 28 feet long, 12 feet wide and 9 feet high. For smaller or delicate parts we have a hand blast cabinet. Various blasting media is available to meet a range of profile needs. Chromate conversion coating on aluminum is available through a third party.
A batch area inspector ensures customer finish requirements are met. Final packaging is done to standard or customer specified requirements.
JIT Powder Coating’s batch system offers a variety of pretreatment options based on customer needs and requirements. JIT has in house blasting capability using a variety of media. Spray wand pretreatment, using DuBois alkaline cleaners and iron phosphate chemicals, is available.
With multiple batch booths and ovens, JIT has excellent capacity to handle all your batch work needs. Batch booths are spray to waste and use GEMA Op-flex and Op-flex 2 manual application equipment. The batch area use gas-fired convection ovens for cure. One oven has IR boost on end especially useful for architectural products that may have heavy mass bases.